Friday, March 23, 2012

Bon Voyage

Thanks to my dear friend Kristy I will be able to attempt to blog our adventures in Amsterdam! We are two weeks into this adventure and I finally have our computer to start the blog- now if only I could translate the settings from dutch to english I could do this a lot quicker! Maybe one day I will learn the "chinese language of Europe" as one of Derek's coworkers calls it. 

Well the adventure could not begin without saying our goodbyes- or as I would rather say- "see you in a while" or as luke would say- "see you on the puter"

We truly are so blessed and we felt so loved during the leaving process. We cannot even begin to thank everyone for the love that was shown, the encouraging words that were shared, and the drinks (including the Wiedel Jameson shots) that were consumed to celebrate our journey.
 We know that time away from family will be challenging. We will dearly miss family gatherings and impromptu cousin playdates. No computer screen time can make up for hugs and kisses, but they will do for now. So PLEASE!!!! skype us, tango us or send a good old fashion care package :) (andy and kimmie- i can't find photos with you in them- I'll devout an entire post to you later!)

And to our friends- new and old- we are truly going to miss you- life is so much better with close friendships- and we have amazing ones! 
From childhood friends...

to college friends....

 and new and dear mommy friends...
you make life easier and more enjoyable. We look forward to visits home and hope that if you are in the market for a European vacation- you choose Amsterdam. Maybe we can relive some college memories (just kidding- we are mature grown ups!)

There are mixed emotions in leaving- 
I wanted to act like a kid kicking and screaming, begging to stay.... or begging you all to come with us
But we have all we need (each other) and a few bags- so OFF we go!


  1. Great first entry! Looking forward to the next one. Love you!

  2. Awe I love the picture of you all at the airport. Loved reading this! Keep them coming. Love you guys!

  3. We have enjoyed tangoing with you. Love your 1st entry so keep writing. Better than Facebook! You know we miss you all but know you will have great experiences overseas. Don't have to ask us to come 'cause you know wemwill. Hugs & kisses! Grandma & grandpa of Luke and Audrey. Oh yes, mom & dad!

  4. Great job on your first post. Keep them coming because we will all be looking forward to reading about your many adventures. Can't wait to see you all on the "puter". Love you all and please give the kids a big hug from me!!

  5. This is such a great idea to keep in touch with family and friend beside the computer and phone .
    I love the picture of the protecting brother what a sweet one .you are going to adjust very well .
    We wish you luck we took that journey 40 years ago so we know how you feel.
